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The homepage creation beginner is a layout with the table plainly.

The width decides the image size on a left side and neither 200px nor height are decided especially. Please put a favorite photograph and the image.

Please put a favorite item in the menu in a left side and the upper part. It is possible to edit it directly.


Here can put the photograph and the image right. It is a setting that turns to the circumference of the photograph even when sentences are long and can be crowded. In the image size, width is 180, and height is 120.

Favorite sentences are input. A favorite document is input.

It is a setting that like this turns round the circumference of the photograph sentences and can be crowded. It is a setting that like this turns round the circumference of the photograph sentences and can be crowded. It is a setting that like this turns round the circumference of the photograph sentences and can be crowded.


Here can put the photograph and the image left. It is a setting that turns to the circumference of the photograph even when sentences are long and can be crowded. In the image size, width is 180, and height is 120.

Favorite sentences are input. A favorite document is input.

It is a setting that like this turns round the circumference of the photograph sentences and can be crowded. It is a setting that like this turns round the circumference of the photograph sentences and can be crowded. It is a setting that like this turns round the circumference of the photograph sentences and can be crowded.